So do you say "Happy Anniversary" when someone isn't on Earth to celebrate? I thought about that a lot today.
No matter what, it's still an anniversary..."the date on which an event took place in a previous year." It could be a business opening or starting a job or getting married or an accident. Even if Kevin isn't here, the event still happened. The anniversary doesn't disappear.
If Kevin had been here today, and been healthy, we most likely would have had a pretty uneventful and normal, breakfast, chores, a motorcycle ride, and probably a meal at Culver's. We were never big on flowers or gifts or surprises. We didn't need it. Quite often it felt like every other day. However, today, I found myself repeating in my head over and over, "Today is our anniversary." I'm not sure why I needed to say it again and again.
It felt right today that we had the opportunity to visit with both sets of parents. It also somehow felt right that I found out this morning that Kevin's grave stone had been put in place and we had the time to visit his grave site. As I thought at the time of his burial, the setting is beautiful. You can't help but appreciate the surroundings.
So back to the original question, "Is Happy Anniversary the right thing to say?" Although there have been sad moments today (and will be tonight since the day isn't over yet), I think the answer is "Yes".
That incredibly hot and humid day back in 1988 was fun. It was the joining of two families. It was a celebration. I look back on it and we were happy. So yes, "Happy Anniversary!"
So tonight I am thankful for:
- My many years married to Kevin.
- The family and friends that I gained through our marriage.
- The wonderful ceremony and celebration we had.
- Pictures to help us remember.
- The memories.
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?"
Ecclesiastes 4:9-11