Monday, January 25, 2016

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

As Kevin stated in his Snapchat, "Lucky #13" of radiation is complete. Although he is still doing well with the radiation and chemo, we are definitely noticing some changes. This morning, as Kevin walked out of the bathroom, I noticed his head looked different.  His hair is falling out.  It kind of took us by surprise.  Yes, we knew radiation would cause hair loss, but I think we both imagined it would be a spot of missing hair, not a swath.  Time for another haircut.  Barber Kathy will get on that tonight. I wonder if he tips well.

Kevin has also noticed some increased tingling on his left side.  He says he feels like his leg falls asleep easily if he isn't moving it. I can also tell that when Kevin is tired, he's dragging his left leg more. We're chalking that up to the lower steroid dosage. We met with the radiation doctor tonight and he thought Kevin should maintain the current dosage to see how things go this week.

Steroids are like an angel and the devil.  They provide energy but they keep you up at night. They reduce swelling in the brain but increase swelling in the face. Kevin has definitely slept better this week with the lower levels of steroids.  But he is also developing the steroid "moon face."  That's probably why the mask is feeling so tight lately and he's coming out of treatments with so many facial imprints (golf ball impersonation).

I'm also amazed by how much muscle Kevin has lost already.  The old saying, "Use it or lose it" is definitely ringing true. His once rock hard thighs are now so thin.  His steel toe shoes are now so heavy and tire him out.  I've got to give Kevin credit, he keeps trying.  A few weeks ago, Kevin noticed his weakening legs so he decided to wear those heavy steel toe shoes to work. "They'll make my legs stronger."  By the end of the day, he was dragging. "I had no idea those shoes were so heavy."  He went back to wearing tennis shoes.

Today was a new day, a new week.  Kevin was putting on the heavy steel toe shoes this morning. Of course, I reminded him about the last time. Not to be swayed, Kevin wore the shoes anyway.  I grabbed his tennis shoes on the way out the door.  When I picked Kevin up at work, he was ready to change shoes.  "I forgot how heavy those shoes were." But he keeps trying, never giving up.

Yesterday, as we were having a rather lazy Sunday, lounging around the house, things felt "normal". A brain tumor wasn't first and foremost in my head--pun intended :) Today, as Kevin woke up more tired than usual and missing some hair, I was reminded that this is real.

We continue to be so very thankful.
Thankful that Kevin is so well and that the changes we are noticing are minor
Thankful that we have so many friends and family that make us smile and laugh
Thankful there are so many people thinking about us and praying for us

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


  1. I had tears reading your posts and your amazing faith and love will get you through this. I will keep Kevin and you in my prayers. Charlotte Hershey

  2. Thankful that I know Kevin will always keep trying..and never give up!

  3. Kevin is an amazing man! He's strong, determined, inspirational! I am honored to know him. My thoughts and prayers continue....I pray for your continued strength and faith and courage. I pray that you (both of you), Keaton and Kailey can feel Jesus' arms wrapped gently around you, holding you, loving you...........angie

  4. Since I just found out about this blog I spent the last hour or so catching up on what has been happening for Kevin (between being called away to help Don). You are all so amazing, love that you can keep the humor during this trying time. So much of what has been happening reminded me what we went through when Heather had radiation for her Hodgekin's lymphoma. She had Dr. Conway also. She had 4 1/2 wks. on her upper quadrant, a break then an additional 4 weeks on her lower quadrant as a precaution. I did as you are doing kept a journal of all our appointments. I think a recording of a meeting would have been a good thing! Stay strong and we continue to pray for all of you. Sandi

  5. Your words are inspiring and meaningful. Prayers continue to be sent your way.
