Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Radiation "Test Run"

So how did the test run go tonight? Uneventful.  No big deal. According to Kevin:  They laid him on the table, put on his mask, took some pictures (not sure if he smiled), adjusted the table, and drew on his mask (I forgot to ask if this is like a sleepover with your buddies when they draw funny faces on you after you fall asleep).

Since there was no actual radiation tonight, I was hoping I could go back and see the action for myself.  No such luck.  Although Kailey, who is the driver tomorrow night, might get the opportunity.

I also thought we would have the opportunity to see a doctor tonight to ask a few questions.  I dug out that "bag of medicine" from  a week ago and took it with thinking we would get a little refresher on what to take when.  Guess I'll have to study the labels.

So although the night was a little anticlimactic, here's what we are thankful for:

  • The test run was short and painless.
  • Hot chocolate and puzzles are available in the waiting area.
  • The snow that was supposed to appear in late afternoon, never arrived.
  • That daily commute to LaCrosse is a temporary thing.  We only have to drive 3 miles to work and our biggest hangup might be the occasional train.
  • The ladies who check us in are always pleasant and tonight they worked to reschedule a future appointment so we didn't have to make two trips to LaCrosse in one day.
  • The appointment time allows us to complete our day of work so we don't infringe on our co-workers but still home in time for supper.
  • Kailey is still home this week and had our meal ready for us as we walked in the door.
  • Most of all, we are thankful for another day.

Friends shared with us their message from their Sunday sermon.  
So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.
Psalms 90:12

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