Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oil Sample

Today marks one week into treatments. To honor the occasion, Gundersen schedules labs as well as a visit with the oncologist (chemo doctor) before the regularly scheduled radiation treatment. We may have preferred cake, but this will do.

The lab appointment was scheduled for 3:00.  When we checked in at 2:45, we were told the labs hadn't been ordered yet.  Huh?  If they make an appointment for labs, shouldn't they know what tests they want to do? Of course, that slowed things down.  At 3:15 we were told the labs had been ordered and at 3:25 Kevin was taken back to have blood drawn. Needless to say, I had lots of quality puzzle time (much easier puzzle on 2nd floor). Looks like my hubby captured me hard at work in his Snap.

We did have some good laughs about this on the way home.  "Could I see the menu for ordering a lab, please?" Kevin's thought, "I'd like to order one strep test and a half order of drug testing, please."  He thought he could be like Sheldon Cooper on the Big Bang Theory and order whatever tests he wanted. We aren't real certain about our check-in lady's sense of humor so good thing we kept these to ourself.

At 4:00 we were scheduled to meet Dr. Ojelabi (another new doctor, not sure why).  He reviewed Kevin's "Oil sample" (mechanic's analogy to blood test). Kevin's engine health must be good.

White blood cells7.2above 1
Hemoglobin1613.6 to 16.7
Platelets140,000above 100,000

The doctor seemed impressed that Kevin's Hemoglobin was 13.6 on December 8 and already up to 16 today. They will continue to monitor these each week. If blood counts drop below normal, they will stop chemo temporarily to get them back up again.

We also finally figured out what that one bottle of pills (take up to 6 times daily as needed) was for...another anti nausea medication.  We are feeling thankful that Kevin is not feeling any ill effects of the treatments yet and isn't needing all of those medications.

Kev was able to check into Radiation by 4:35.  He was in and out of his treatment BEFORE 5:00. Woohoo! Those radiation nurses rock!

We capped our evening off by being treated to Chinese food at my Mom and Dad's. Good food and good company.  Kevin's fortune for the night:  "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."  I'm pretty thankful Kevin has a lot of fight in him when it comes to this battle. My Dad opened his fortune and handed it to Kevin, "Never quit!"


  1. We're thankful for Kev's good engine health! Almost looks like he studied for those tests!

  2. ^^^ Totally agree with Joanie! Great numbers!! Sending you guys lots of hugs!!

  3. Kevin I really impress that you know how to use Snap chat!! Keep that good engine health up!
