Friday, February 19, 2016

And they're off

Roll on eighteen wheeler...the road trip has begun.

John Schaitel, with Kevin as his sidekick, pulled out about 10:30 this morning. Even though Kevin took his own car out to John's, I was the geek who followed behind in my car so I could take pictures before they left.  John was most likely rolling his eyes since he does this every day, but he did quickly comb his hair before the photo shoot so he could look pretty.

I even crawled up inside to check out their home for the next week. Not sure if they are going to rock-paper-scissors for who gets the top bunk.  Of course, I really wanted to sneak back there and organize Kevin's stuff that had been pushed onto the bunk, but I didn't want to overstay my welcome.
Not gonna lie...I was pretty cranky this morning.  It seems to be my coping mechanism whenever Kevin leaves for a trip without me.  But of course those emotions get all turned around and then I'm shedding a few tears as they drive off down the road. We haven't spent much time apart since December 6. I'm pretty sure Kevin will enjoy the change in company.
About 2:30 Kevin sent me a text, "Wind must have been bad earlier. We've seen 7 semi rollovers so far." Great!  That's what every wife wants to hear!   At 5:30 pm the duo has made it to Nebraska and  are dealing with traffic. On the plus side, it is 67 degrees!

They are hauling a load of Kevin's favorite--cranberries--out to Vernon, California, for a Tuesday delivery.  Just kidding on the cranberries--I'm the only one who eats cranberries in our family so John won't have to worry about Kevin sneaking a few from the load. According to Wikipedia, Vernon is five miles south of downtown Los Angeles and had a population of 112 at the 2010 census.  The plan is to head to Silver Lake Lodge in Idaho Springs, Colorado, to visit John's brother who owns the lodge. It looks gorgeous and I'm a bit jealous. Then John claims they're going to get rich with a quick stop in Vegas. I won't hold my breath.

As for me, I'm scheduled for Apple computer training all week.  I am thankful John was able to schedule this trip with Kevin so I didn't have to cancel my training.

We are so thankful that

  • Kevin is being given this opportunity to take this trip and cross it off his bucket list.  
  • Kevin is feeling well enough to make the trip.
  • John has been so gracious to allow Kevin to be his co-pilot this week.  I think they are going to have a pretty good time and share a lot of laughs.  
If you are that person who reaches out to others and offers them opportunities to experience new things. Thank you. You are helping make memories.

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