Thursday, February 4, 2016

Reaching Out

We've all seen the melodrama on TV where someone hears tragic news and then wails, "Why me?" (Speaking of melodrama, here's a little secret about Kevin you probably don't know.  He watches The Bold and the Beautiful every day at lunch. Really, I'm not lying.  And he's not the only one sitting at that lunch table every day...) Clearly, Kevin has not taken any lessons from the soap opera. Not once in the nearly two months since this journey began have I heard Kevin ask, "Why me?"  I wondered if he had just thought the I had to ask. "No."  In Kevin's words, "It is what it is. There's nothing I can change."

In my own self-reflection, I don't believe I've thought, "Why us?"  However, in all honesty, I have thought, "Why not me?" more times than I can count.  I've always said to Kevin, "I get to go first." Even though Kevin never really responded to my statement (just kind of ignored it), in my mind, we had a deal.

As I think about that two month mark approaching, it scares me.  Time is moving by too quickly.  Yet each day we are boosted by people reaching out.

On our way home from treatment #21 today, the phone rings.  A guy Kevin has known for years was just calling to see how he was doing.  They probably only see each other once a year or talk on the phone a few more times than that.  But now, this friend is reaching out to say hi every few weeks.

In the mail today, we opened our third card from a family we don't know real well and who has endured their own unthinkable tragedy.  Yet, they continue to reach out to let us know they are thinking about us and offering their prayers.

We could go on and on with examples of how people continually reach out to us in so many ways...hugs, kind words, texts, Facebook, phone calls, cards, gifts, visits. Each day we are ever so grateful yet we both have this feeling of being unworthy. There are so many people who are fighting much bigger, more painful battles. I hope that each one of those people has someone reaching out to them like we do.

To those of you who continue to reach out, thank you.  It is something I've always struggled to do.  In my head I think, "I should call them" and then I chicken out.  My thoughts seldom become actions. I admire those of you who put your thoughts into actions and make a difference.

So today/this week, we are thankful
  • for Kevin's continued good numbers 
This WeekJan 27Jan 20Jan 14Normal
White blood cells4.994.845.977.2above 1.5
Hemoglobin15.415.315.91613.6 to 16.7
Platelets162,000*121,000134,000143,000above 100,000
*I asked, but didn't get a decent explanation as to why this went up so much. I'm not complaining!
  • for the hospital allowing us to come in early on Tuesday for treatments so we could avoid the snowy roads

  • for those who helped with the snow blowing and shoveling so Kevin could rest

  • for those of you who take the time and effort to reach out
Each of you should look not only to your own interests,
but also to the interests of others
Philippians 2:4

And do not forget to do good and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 13:16

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your journey with me. Your message, both personal and spiritual have been inspirational! I so admire your courage in the face of adversity! I also am seeing that often "hidden" side of you that has so much wisdom and uncanny sense of humor! You are right about sharing or "hiding". However, though some people put their thoughts into actions, you have a gift of being able to put your thoughts into words! Yes, I am following you and Kevin as you venture through the complicated maze of treatments ,decision-making and uncertainty while attempting to maintain some "normalcy"! I look forward to keeping "in touch" through your blogs, and "passing by" your office, often wondering, if you are there, should I interrupt perhaps the most "normal" part of your day and when the office lights are out, wondering if your absence is unexpected or planned? Take care and as always with people who do care, my thoughts and prayers are with you, Kevin and your family as you travel this journey together. Jean
